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Seeds in my hand!

Seeds in my hand!

How awesome to be able to share with you the development of the seeds in my hand. Since our last online event there has been so much progress, my seeds are now bringing forth fruit.

Two months on the evidence of fruit is been seen on the branches of my pepper plant. I have watered and kept the elements at bay while patiently waiting for fruit. It has not been easy waiting; I heard comments like so when will we see the peppers? How long does it take? Are you sure that the place you have them is good for them?

I was nervous because even I was starting to doubt that the peppers would grow, so the morning my daughter went to water them and I hear her shouting! Mother come look, I had already built up the fear that something had eaten or attack the plant again. It would not have been the first time the foxes had a field day digging up the soil, and the caterpillars had eaten through several leaves almost making me want to cut down one side of the plant.

To my surprises as I approach the plant, I could see the joy in my daughter’s eyes way before I actually saw the fruit emerging from the buds. As soon as I turned, I saw flowers but as I looked closer PEPPERS were emerging out.

I began shouting “what I got peppers” it was such an awesome feeling to actually see the product of the seeds. In life we often find it hard to wait, especially on something we did not sow into from the beginning. That is a test of faith, I had to believe that the seeds I was given were indeed peppers and that they would come forth.

Maybe you have received a gift (a seed) that you did not actually plant and you are waiting for the manifestation of that seed in your life. I want to encourage you to trust! Tend to the seed as best you can, protect it, nurture it and speak words of life into it.

As you watch and wait take note of the different distractions that come by, list how you feel, how long it lasted and take positive action to build up your faith.

Acknowledge that you may lose somethings along the way, see damage that cannot be repaired, even have to separate areas that will pollute the growth. You may have to move location more than once or twice; you may have to stand alone and speak less but one day you will see fruit emerging and in that moment you will you will know that nothing is impossible as long as you believe!

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